Enhance your workflow

renderset aims to simplify your render process, allowing you to direct more of your attention towards modelling. With a single click, renderset captures a snapshot of your current scene, including Collections, Worlds, Properties, and more, into a Render Context. This means that you no longer need initiate each render individually.

Adding new features over time

We are constantly adding new features to our addons. Feedback and suggestions from users on our Discord server are important to the development of memsaver.The addon comes with free updates for new features.

Context from Viewport and Context per Camera

Context from Viewport enables you to quickly snapshot from your current view. New context and camera are automatically created from your current view. When you have multiple cameras in your scene and want to quickly create contexts from each camera individually make use of Context per Camera.

Batch Rendering

When you have more than one context in your scene and you are ready to render, press Render All and all contexts will be rendered one after another so there is no need to start next render manually like before.

Render Passes

Passes can be used to split rendered images into i.e. colors, direct and indirect light to edit them individually, and also to extract data such as depth or normals.

Clean and streamlined UI

UI was redone to be easier to navigate and simpler to understand. We keep the really important settings at hand. More variables are stored per context than you see in the menu - it would take too much space otherwise. In the future, you will be able to right-click anything and decide if you want it stored or not.